Window Coverings as Insulation

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Here at StreetScapes & WindowWorks, we specialize in window coverings. From curtains to blinds to shades, we have everything you need to give your home privacy and protection from excess light. In addition to these functions, window coverings also play an important role in your home’s insulation. If you’re looking for a simple way to keep your home warmer in the winter, consider updating your window treatments. Allow us at StreetScapes & WindowWorks to explain how the process works.

Window Coverings as Insulation

As anyone who has ever tried to sip hot tea from a glass mug can tell you, glass does not make the best barrier against heat. In the same way that heat from the tea escapes through the mug, heat from your furnace escapes through your windows. Heat energy always moves from areas of high heat to areas of low heat, so in the winter heat from your home moves out into the cold atmosphere. Window coverings provide an additional barrier against heat energy and help to prevent it from escaping your home. Even ordinary window coverings offer more protection than bare window panes, but for even better insulation, you can choose from among the number of options specifically designed for heat protection. These options include specially treated window shades, curtains, and more, so you can find something to match any design.

If you are interested in a simple way to improve your home’s insulation and stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, consider swapping out your window coverings. Call our team at StreetScapes & WindowWorks today to discuss your options.